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Sunday, March 9, 2008

How's Tom doing?

It was so much fun watching the 2nd grade music program. Katie was up front and center and cute as can be. The auditorium seats were filled and the walls space was also occupied with standing room only. There were lots of parent and grandparent there for support. Tom was also able to go to the 7th grade band festival (at his high school Alma mad er) with Kyle's class. Our school took 3rd place! Tom said they did a great job reading the sheet music and with the songs they had to perform but he was most impressed with the politeness of our school's students.

Tom has had a busy week with school activities. The kids are so glad that their dad could make it and it showed on their faces. Tom is still struggling with his swelling and sleeping. He is up about 6 times a night with his non-breathing issues. He claims that he sleeps better during the day without me, should I be offended? The cat and I only take up about 3/4 of the bed! Some nights the swelling in his face and neck are very apparent. There are days that his voice sounds strained. The tingling in his arm has been persistent also. He also struggles with his chewing issues. I feel so bad that he is struggling for such a long time. I keep asking him if it's better than last week but so far no great progress has been made that either of us can tell. Thanks again for your cards and e-mails. I believe they keep our spirits up.

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