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Saturday, February 1, 2014


Earlier this week Michigan was hit with weather that people are comparing to the storm of '78. It has been brutal in the midwest. Other southern states are getting a taste of mother nature as well. She has not let up in many states and the thing I've been hearing the most no matter where we've been is "I'm so done with winter" Maybe so, but we're still mid season with no sign of Spring!

On Monday I somehow made it to work, even though every rational thought in my mind was to go back home & hybernate until April! I came home early that day & told Tom that this is the worst driving weather in about 20 years. Despite the forecast we still decided to make the trip to AA the following morning. I was supposed to work in the am and we were going to be on the road by noon. Instead we left earlier than planned and hit the frozen tundra by 10 am. It was a scary drive until about Jackson & at one point Tom said "Maybe we should have cancelled" We made it and I was glad that we did not have to leave the hospital as we were able to stay at the Med Inn (a hotel attached to the hospital) until the following day.

Tom had his scans on Tuesday and as always, he was very sick well into the night. The next mornig Tom had his blood draw & then onto the doc's to talk about the results. Tom has gained 5 pounds which is a result of him eating 3 meals a day. They are not full meals that the average person would consume, but he is eating much more than last November when he lost 30 pounds in such a short period. There was discussion about Tom's stomache issues and his loud gurgling. He has been put on a combination of meds and narcotics to see if this will help. Dr. said that it is due to his Calcitonin levels being so high. I'm not sure the number anymore & I didn't ask because I'm not sure I really want to know. His bones again are stable & head scan came back clean. However their is a "bulk" on his right carotid gland & calcification of the liver which may be caused from his previoius radiation last fall. Both of these areas will be presented again in the Tumor Board this coming Tuesasy. It will be determined what is the best overall treatment. For the neck region it will be either surgery or radiation. For the liver it may be that Vandetanib (chemo)will be the best plan. We expect a call on Wednesday with the outcome.

On the drive back home Wednesday the sun was again shinning & the roads were much improved (seeing pavement is always a good thing!) I knew there were many praying over our trip and felt peaceful. It still amazes me that we are over 6 years into this disease & so grateful that Tom is able to handle this fight. Thank you all so much for your support! On Thursday the world turned back to a winter wonderland. I have to admit that in this weather and especially during this time of year I drive differently than I did 3 years ago & it makes me really miss my brother. It's a strange feeling to know that I am at the same age he was when he lost his life, but I have learned to be grateful for his years on this earth.

Lamentations 3:32 "Although God gives him grief, yet he will show compassion too, accordding to the greatness of his lovingkindness. For he does not enjoy afflicting men and causing sorrow."