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Sunday, October 25, 2009


We had Parent Teacher conferences last week and once again discussed with the teacher our children's strength and weaknesses. Communication is key and I have to say that I appreciate the Parental Portal that lets us know what our boys grades are and what classes need a little more attention. It has been a great tool this fall.

Tom is trying to visit the Lymphedema specialist for the physical therapy once again. He will be going every Friday and see how that fits into his schedule. I believe that Tom is appreciating his slower schedule this month. Tom was the first of the boys to come down with the flu/cold. He was able to rest about 4 days before going back to work. At one time he told me it felt like he'd been hit by a bus. I know that his immunity continues to be low and that it does not take as much to slow Tom down. I also know that this is frustrating for Tom as he is not one to be down for a long period of time.

I had a conversation with the nurse at the cancer center. We discussed the disconnect at their office. I believe that the conversation went well and I hope that we have cleared up any issues. We will need to make sure that going forward everything is clear with this office. However, time will tell if we are all on the same page. Tom will be getting poked next week to see where all his levels are at. I am hoping that they are stable and there is not another big jump in Calcitonin levels. Tom will need to make an appointment one week from his blood work date to see Dr. Campbell and get the results. Communication is the key in working with the different offices.

I am doing a study and presentation this fall on Hope. It comes from the book called The Anatomy of Hope. It is a great book that a friend gave me to read about 2 years ago. Many of the writings stuck with me throughout these years and I thought it was appropriate for my Holistic Healthy class. It brings to light again the mysterious affect that Hope (and in my opinion faith) has on a person's outlook when encountering a serious disease. It also brings back to mind readings of hope and faith from the Bible. I have read this before and I love what Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3:21-23
"Yet there is one ray of hope: his compassion never ends. It is only the Lord's mercies that have kept us from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his loving kindness begins afresh each day."

I continue to communicate with my God daily. He is my Hope. Amen

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Next Step

It amazes me how fast time flies. Kyle and I were having the generational talk about time getting faster as we get older. I warned him that when he looks back at the High School years some day it will seem like a short span in his life. Cody's football team has not won a game this year, but he has made some great tackles and he is enjoying it! Katie loves the Michigan History study that her class is doing. At this point she is talking about wanting to be a teacher. I love her ambition!

For the month of September, Tom is at a slower pace. It has been nice to have him at home in the evenings. He is taking a much needed breather in his hectic life. He told me yesterday that he thinks the newest medication is working with his swelling, and I am grateful for this small relief. Though he still deals with daily aches and pains, he keeps smiling and telling me that he is just glad to be here. As we have just passed the 2 year anniversary of his surgery, I have counted this time as a precious gift.

I had a conversation with Tom's primary doctors office and was told that our insurance has denied Tom seeing the U of M Oncologist. Since the University is "Out of Network" they would like Tom to see another Oncologist at a Thyroid Clinic in Detroit. Tom has decided that we will stay with his current Oncologist on the West side of the state. Since this is the case, I have chosen to have a much needed conversation with someone in the Oncologist office as to our future relationship. I am just not sure who is the best person to talk to. However, it is time for Tom to get his blood count again and that opens the door the lack of communication with this office. This will not be easy and I hope that we can work together moving forward.

Please continue to pray for Tom and his struggles. Also that the conversation will go smoothly and stay positive with whomever I speak with at the Oncologist Office. Lastly that we do not get discouraged in the path that we have been set upon.