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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Paperwork Chase

I know that it has been a little over a week since my last writing, but life is getting busy around the Andrews' house and it isn't even spring yet! Kyle had his band concert tonight. I watched him walk to his seat with all the other 7th graders and can't believe how tall that boy is. He looked like one of the high schools kids. Parent/Teacher conference are going on and I have talked with 2 of the 3 kids teacher(s). There were no surprises as to how the kids are doing. I have to say that I am proud of all of them. They all try so hard to do their best. I know they each have their own struggles in school, but it is great to see them work so hard and then it's like it just clicks (the light bulb goes on) and that is the rewarding part.

Now on to Tom's progress: Tom is doing about the same as last week. I know that he is trying to stay focused on the things he can control. We talk about April 1st and what it could mean, but I think that I am the one dwelling on the possibilities (at least I am the one who will admit it anyway). The main comment that Tom will say is that he hopes he does not have to wait to have the results from the procedure any later than April 1st. He wants to get on with life! I hope that is what we hear in April also.

I have made traded phone calls to find out what office to begin pushing so that the papers get to the appropriate people and that Tom's scan will be approved. I found out that Tom's primary Dr's office had faxed paperwork to the insurance company in regards to the scan. However the insurance company is questioning why this type of scan instead of the iodine scan. Tom's primary office has to defer that to the Specialist at the U of M. So, by the end of this week I plan to call the nurse at the U of M office and see if I can get a confirmation that they have submitted the supporting documents. At least they are not saying a definite "no" at this point. I do not expect any fast answers, having already had that experience with the Pet scan last July. I hope that you will remember to keep us on the "prayer list" as we go about our busy days.

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