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Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Pretty Fall Day

Another week has flown by. I can't believe how warm the month of September has been. I have enjoyed the sunny days and know that this will not last forever as the winter gray skies will be here before we are ready for them. The boys are starting to talk about getting the snowmobile back out and sharing stories of past rides. It always helps to have a hobbie during the winter to tolerate the cold weather.

Tom continues to take classes and is now an offical CPR Instructor. I've told him that I would like to be certified again becuase mine expired as a senior in high school (we won't talk how many years ago that was :) He taught a class last Wednesday and really enjoyed it. I know that with his personality that he would make a great instructor. I could tell that he was excited about the aspect of offering the class again in our community.

Kids are doing well in school. I am pleased to say that they seem to be trying hard and concentrating on their studies this year. It's just the usual routine at the Andrews' household. Other than some deep discussions about life Tom and I are staying positive about what will be. Thank you for the words of encouragement and those who have shared a personal story about a loved ones struggle/successes.

Our Why> series at church this week was talking about Why should I believe in God in the first place? One of our assignments was to take a walk and find evidence. As many of you know, I love to walk as it is a great time to reflect. I found evidence in my thoughts, experiences, and in the beauty of our world. I extend this challenge to those of you who have asked the question. "The heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the works of his hand" (Psalm 19:1)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Val.