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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good News

The storm has finally hit Michigan and we needed the rain! The kids are getting into the rhythm of school and a new school schedule. They all seem to be adjusting and like their teachers again this year. We shared some news with the kids last night and they were all smiles and celebrating with us. Last night we had a message from Tom's primary who stated that the CAT scan was normal.

We met with Dr. Campbell today for the results of his CAT scan and the doctors must have talked because he walked in commenting on the great news. The CAT scan did not show any enlargement of the lymph nodes or other abnormalities a.k.a. no cancer. He also said that it is not that uncommon to have something show on the scans that is not cancerous. At this time there is no indication that Tom has any tumors. He said that the calcitonin levels may fluctuate a little and that he would like to watch it closely. This will be Tom's normal range and should be fine as long the level does not progressively climb up. Before he was able to see the doctor he had to get poked. They are looking at his calcium level as well as the calcitonin levels. Depending on what the calcitonin levels show this time he will either be checked every 4-6 week or 3 months. He is also scheduled for a CAT scan at Butterworth campus for the beginning of December with a consult on December 18. As we left the Lemmon-Holton Cancer Center, Tom and I agreed that it was nice to come out of the office with some good news for a change.

We are so happy to be past two clean scans. It is like a breath of fresh air. We can now concentrate on some of our everyday life stuff. I thank God for his blessings in life. I know that we are not yet in the clear, but each day as I trust in his goodness he shows us his grace.
Psalms 34:1-4 "I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of his glories and grace. I will boast of all his kindness to me. Let all who are discouraged take heart. Let us praise the Lord together, and exalt his name."


Anonymous said...

Wow Great news, We are so Glad to hear that. Again our Praters are with you. Love Pat,Vona, Patrick & Heather. Take Care and God Bless.

Anonymous said...

oops Prayers*sp. Love Pat,Vona, Patrick & Heather

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!!!He is so faithful and constant in all our daily lives. Wow, we love you guys and will keep the prayers flowing...Greg & Mary