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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Back to Ann Arbor

Here we go again spending our vacation time at the University of Michigan. This should have been a routine follow up appointment and a farewell to Tom's surgeon but as things always go it was not that easy. They looked at a bump in Tom's neck that his physical therapist found last month. Dr. Teknos stayed very positive that this could just be a stitch or a place where he tied off a couple of vessels. There is really no way to tell for sure without a scan. They have moved up his September scan to get him in for one ASAP. Tom will also need a blood draw to look at his calcitonin levels along with a base line of his calcium. The good news is that we will now have all of these procedures done on this side of the state under the care of Dr. Hart. This was the first time the kids went with us and they were well behaved. We took a little time to show them around the hospital so they could get an idea where Mom and Dad have been disappearing to these last few months. Of course we could not leave Ann Arbor without taking the kids over to the Big House.

On this trip we were also able to spend a few days in Cleveland. This will be the kids only vacation this year and it was nice to just relax with good friends. We took the kids to the Cleveland Zoo and while the boys hit the links at the country club, the girls enjoyed laying out poolside and watching the kids play. The adults even got a night out on the town with a dinner and a show, thank goodness our eldests are now at the babysitting age.

This week will be the start of another round of phone calls to get the ball rolling for Tom's next step. I'm again glad for this blog as it saves so many phones calls and is convenient. Please remember to keep Tom in your prayers.

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