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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Our Trip to U of M

We were up and on our way by 6:00 am; thanks to everyone who took the kids last night. Wow! You think it's hard to find a parking space at Butterworth, try driving around the University of Michigan Health Complex. We met with Dr. Teknos, Chief of Head and Neck Oncology Division, and his staff. We were very impressed with him and his staff. Tom felt very comfortable putting his life in this Dr's hands. We now have a better idea of what the surgery will entail along with the follow up and treatments.

We will head over to Ann Arbor on Tuesday, October 2. Tom has a pre-op meeting with the surgeons and the Anesthesia staff. Tom will have his surgery on Wednesday, October 3. Because this will be an extensive surgery (6-8 hours) he will have to be at the hospital around 6 am. During surgery they plan to remove the tumor, thyroid, lymph nodes on both right and left sides of his neck, and Right Calcium glands.

There are possible risks and complications. It is possible that the cancer is around the vocal cords. If this is the case they will have to remove the vocal cords. Life over limbs. Damage to the vocal cords, this will result in Tom speaking with a hoarse voice, which could be corrected with another surgery later. Another possibility with damage to the vocal cords is that he would have to have a trachea. There are a lot of nerves in the neck area that are going to be stressed out. Even with out damaging the nerves, there will be numbness in the face, neck, and shoulders which will require some type of therapy. Of course, there is always a risk of complications with a surgery that last this long.

Post op. Tom will remain in the hospital for 4-7 days. Recovery at home about 2 to 3 weeks. We are going to get real familiar with Ann Arbor as we will be making numerous trips back for follow up visits. Radiation treatments can be done here in GR. He will have daily treatments lasting 4 to 6 weeks. Even with the surgery and radiation there is no way to know if all cancer has been removed. Tom will need to be monitored to make sure no other tumors appear. As we step into this new way of life, we are learning to enjoy each moment we have.

Again, thank you for all the cards, letters, and e-mails that continue to pour in. The love and support that we are receiving is overwhelming. A special thanks to the anonymous person up north who sent us the letter in regards to our kids back to school needs; your kindness and generosity was truly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Valerie, I just got through reading your latest update. Valerie please know I am thinking of you, Tom and the kids. I will be praying for you all through this very tough time.

Your Friend, Missy

Anonymous said...

We love you guys so much. Praying for you and your family!
James 1:2-4 This verse doesn't really fix anything - but it does give us hope and acknowleged that God IS on the throne!!!
In His Name
You Church Family
Voice of Hope

Anonymous said...

Tom & Val, I have been following your struggle but just found out how to comment.
I am not much on words but my thoughts and support are for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Uncle Paul

Anonymous said...

Tom and Valerie,

I just got to update myself on your progress. Keep the faith and do it one day at a time. Draw your strenght from each other. Your love for each other is solid. we pray for you each day and will continue to do so. Good luck with surgery....Oh by the way Tom.....please wear clean underware.......scoot marks are scarey!

You Bay City Family,

John, Karen, Danielle, and Heather