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Friday, November 7, 2008

Another Friday

We have enjoyed the "spring" like weather here in Michigan. This is probably the last warm day until early spring of 2009. The darker evenings are always hard for me to get used to and the kids hate being kept closer to home so early in evening. We were watching a lot of TV this week as we were tracking the outcome of the 2008 election. I found it interesting that the kids had their opinions about the election and who they wanted to win. Kyle was even talking a lot about the Proposals. I am glad that they took an interest and hope they continue this interest into their adult lives.

Thursday I received a call from Tom's primary doctor and the PET/CT scan is set up for December 11. I am not sure how we will get the results back. I assume that his primary doctor will call us as he has in the past. I am glad that the approval process did not have to go through Arbitration and was settled rather quickly between Dr. and insurance. So until December, we will be in the waiting pattern enjoying another year together and, along with millions of other families, joining the hustle and bustle of the Christmas holiday shopping and preparing for the big day. I pray that we will also be celebrating another clean scan.

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