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Monday, May 5, 2008

Under Again

It is Monday, 1:47p.m. and Tom went into Surgery to have his gallbladder removed. Dr. Vanderkolk was able to fit him in today. His pancreas levels are obviously low enough to warrant surgery, but he may still remain in the hospital until the infection is gone. Tom looked rather anxious as they wheeled him away, but he had a conversation with the Anesthetist before surgery and hopefully that calmed his fear about his airway & neck tightening/swelling. Dr. Vanderkolk did mention that he may be able to go home today. Tom would love to be able to leave; I think he should be happy to just be able to eat. The last time he had food was at work Saturday evening. I joked that it's pretty pitiful to be excited to get water with his medicines! I will keep you informed as to the next steps as I am able. Thanks for the phone calls, they mean a lot to us. I know that many of our prayer warriors are at work for the Andrews family again today. Thank you for so diligently praying for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let us know if there's anything we can do! Tom - Hopefully this surgery will be easier to bounce back from. I was only down one week after mine, but please don't push too hard. Remember that your body is still healing from the stresses of the last year. Take it easy. Sending hugs your way. Love - Debbie, Martin, and Andrew