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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Summer, Spring, Winter and Fall

I believe that I have felt all the weather related experiences this week. The warmer weather and the windy sunny days early this week made me think that "Spring is in the air". The weather became a little uncomfortable in the middle of the week when I was getting in and out of my "stuffy" car (not having to carry a coat & gloves was wonderful though). Then the cooler air blew in with its force this weekend. Today I took back out the winter coats that I had washed and was ready to put away for a season.

It has been very hectic around here. Not only am I getting a new washer/dryer (OK, not out of the storeroom brand new, but new to me); we are preparing for our annual City wide garage sale with about 6 families going full force with the pricing, shuffling, and displaying of items; we have also decided to paint the laundry room while the big appliances are out and that includes getting new light fixtures, towel racks, etc. Tom has put in another 6 day week including a day with two 12 hour shifts. Can we cram anything else in? I am amazed at his ability to cope. He is feeling better this week but his breathing still sounds labored at night. He has a refill on his prescription of the acid reflux medicine and told me not to worry about the other medicine the Dr. had prescribed and the insurance denied coverage. I can tell when Tom gets tired as his throat seems to tighten and his voice gets more raspy sounding. Just little hints that his body has been through major trauma.

I have made this blog long enough. It's funny that sometimes when I first sit down to type I think to myself "What am I going to talk about this week? There's nothing major going on." Then I just type and it's like talking to a friend. Maybe it's not worthy of a News Breaking article for our local channels, it's just life. Thanks for taking time to share.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again Valerie. I am so very glad that you keep posting for everyone! I read these quotes today and thought of us, you, this past year..everything!

In the depth of winter I finally learned there was in me invincible summer. Albert Camus (?)

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. Charles A. Beard?

This is what we did and keep doing because of love, faith, and His love!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice when the really important things you have to talk about are things like the weather and the washer/dryer, and painting a wall.

Life is good