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Sunday, April 20, 2008


Spring break was busy and went by quickly. Last week was back to the bump and grind of working, school work, practices, etc. The kids are now counting the days to the end of school.

Tom had the flu last week and is still recovering; this has become quite the battle as his immune system is not what it used to be. He was down but not out and he still worked 6 days last week. I really do not know how he does it. He is truly a driven man! Tom's breathing has become an issue during sleep once again. I hope this gets better as he starts to recover. We have not had a return phone call in regards to the uncovered prescription, but hopefully I can work on that this week. Starting in May Tom will be on the weekend shift at the hospital and resumes his college education during the week nights. It is both good and challenging for our family. Once summer break is here the kids will see a lot of their dad during the week days, but the weekends are going to be a big change. Our times together will have to be "Intentional Time." At least we do not need to add the expense of daycare this year.

This week at church the message was about praying. Tom and I were helping out with the toddlers and did not hear the message, but I realize more each month how important the power of prayer is and has been in our family. It goes beyond the cry for help and acknowledgement of an answered prayer. It has been so much more in my life and I hope it is/becomes so much more in many lives.

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