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Monday, August 18, 2008

Not What We Wanted to Hear

We got a telephone call from Tom's primary doctor. He had a chance to go over the results of the scan and did not want us to wait until next week to hear the results. As much as he hated being the one who always is the bearer of bad news, he felt even a week was too long to wait. The scan shows "tumors" developing behind Tom's sternum. So the cancer has spread into his chest. At this point we are not sure what our next step will be. He wanted us to call our Oncologist tomorrow and move up our appointment and has recommended that we contact the University of Michigan and make plans to spend another football season in Ann Arbor. Look out Tom and Dawn, here we come!

Some good news: The scan did not show any cancer in the liver, kidneys or that whole lower quadrant. This truly is the best news we can hope for because once this cancer spreads that low Tom's odds drop drastically. At this time it sounds like more surgery followed by radiation. However, this is all preliminary and we will know more in the next week.

Psalms 31:14-15
But I was trusting you, O Lord. I said, "You alone are my God; my times are in your hands."

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