The snow has almost disappeared! We had 60 degree temps that melted most of the snow in the last week. It helped to soar everyone's spirits & though we are now hitting the 40's we all anticipate what lies ahead :) Kyle has now completely moved into the basement & has his own "man cave" He is very focused on getting better in his programming that even over Spring Break, he spent countless hours working on the next class project. Cody & Tom were able to again participate in the annual Bunny Hunt during the first Saturday in March. It was a sunny but cold day. Tom got one, but Cody didn't see any thumpers hopping around the fields. However, they both scored at the Prize table during the dinner & mamma loves her new roaster that Tom picked. Cody is on the final countdown to his high school career. He has been working out after school & trying to eat healthier but has decided not to join the Track team. Katie however has joined so we're back to supporting our child outdoors! She has picked her classes for next year & again will have a heavy course load. She has also started drivers training & will be on the road soon. I know that she will not be like her brothers who did not want to drive and we will be taking trips around the area to help her improve her skills. I have a feeling that she will pick the course to the mall (I'll be compelled to go along....twist my arm)!
I want to thank Tom's cousin Martin for taking him for his scans last weekend. It's nice to know that when I am not able to go that we have people willing to take Tom so that he is not alone. He said that the waiting rooms were practically empty and he was in/out in no time. It sure beats the alternative of being at the hospital for scan at 6:30 am which is offered during the week. Our trip was also a in/out deal today with the Oncologist. We barely got to the office when we were called back to the exam room. The nurse said again how much better Tom is looking at this visit. All his scans came back stable with no new growths. This means that the higher dosage is working to slow the cancerous growth. She also gave me some of Tom's statistics (since I'm a numbers person I could relate) Just thought it would be interesting to share: in 2007 Tom's Calcitonin was 16,521 when he was first diagnosed, in May '12 when Tom was taken off the clinical trial it was 57,000 & today it's down to 12,000. Also that his CEA has also dropped to 2485 from a high of 5291 in December '14. These are the two markers that the studies used to determine where his cancer stands. Both she and Dr. Worden were very pleased as to how Tom is responding to the chemo. They are concerned about his liver functions & the longevity of of the chemo. There is a new chemo that Tom could try once his current chemo runs it's course....but for now we will stick with what is working.
It was a beautiful drive today and I think for once it took longer to drive there or back than it did to sit in the exam room. I enjoyed having my hubby's attention all to myself. We are due back in June with Tom seeing an Oncologist here in GR monthly between. On our drive we talked about many things and our conversations went from light & funny to serious topics. I am glad that we feel comfortable talking about things that only a couple of years ago could spin me in a depressive state. I believe that our open conversations and my faith has helped me to walk through these very real topics. I was also able to visit my 98 year old Grandmother this past week. We had a great conversation and talked about our scathed lives. I had to smile when she told me that for many years she wakes up and before she gets out of bed thinks "I will be happy today" In this past week I have said that to myself many times throughout the day. What wise words & sound advice. I have always looked up to her and how she has handled life...Lord help me to follow in the steps of this wise woman. When I read Proverbs 31 my mind goes to her & my beautiful mother. I have had some big shoes to fill as a mother!
Proverbs 31:25-26 "She is a woman of strength and dignity, and has no fear of old age. When she speaks, her words are wise"
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