Spring has finally come to Michigan....yeah! We have a lot of work to do inside and outside of our house and the days are counting down. In 24 days our eldest will be graduating from high school and we are not yet ready to entertain our guests. In the same weekend that we are having Kyle's open house we are also inviting friends and family to gather for my parents 50th Anniversary. Any two people who can work through 50 years of life side by side deserve much recognition! So Saturday will be Kyle's big day and Sunday will be my parents open house: like it, love it, call us crazy, we will get it done in two days :)
Today Tom met with Dr. VanDerWoude, an Oncologist here in GR. She has been recommended to me from a coworker whose husband is battling cancer and they too have both Dr. Worden & Dr. VanDerWoude for a few years and it has worked well for them. Dr. VanDerWoude talked with Tom about his cancer history & said she is willing to also collaborate with U of M and be here for Tom in what capacity they need from her. Tom is moving his monthly infusion to this office as it has been stated that an Oncologist really should be heading this treatment. She talked with Tom about the risks of the infusion and what they will be looking for. There are serious side effects and some of them will not heal if the symptoms start to show. It's important that this be monitored closely. Tom and I walked out of this office satisfied that we have a good team to care for him.
Tom also pointed out a new lump in his neck that he had not noticed before. Dr. VanDerWoude looked and it but it was determined that we would "wait and see" as Tom has his scans scheduled in May at the U of M which should show the root of this new bump. Tom has his scans on May 15 and then will go over the results with Dr. Worden on the 22nd. Also it will be determined if Tom will start the chemo regimen at that time.
I want to also take a moment to thank all of you for your continued support. Your prayers, words of encouragement, and the fact that I have many shoulders to lean on has meant the world to Tom and myself. I may sound like a broken record every month, but I just want to let you know that IT DOES MATTER! Life is not always easy and I know how helpless it can feel that you can't fix what people are going through. However, things like just hearing that you are praying for my family is huge to me because I know who's ears those precious words fall upon. I know that I am not the only one going through "stuff" and that I too pray for you and your family as we all go through the valley and hills of life. I started a journal where I had a few names written and each morning it would take me a few minutes to pray for a person while they were having a difficult time. This has turned into pages and an all morning event as I get ready and these people come to mind. I know what the power of prayer can do!
God Bless you
Daniel 9:23 "The moment you began praying, a command was given. I am here to tell you what is was, for God loves you very much."
You are no 'broken record', you are a pillar of strength, hope and love, my forever sister, love you all so very much :}
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