It was so hard for Tom to miss Cody's Wrestling Banquet. I know that he is not feeling well when he looked at me and asked if I'm going because he can't make it. During the banquet each student was acknowledged and the Coach said some nice things about Cody & his abilities while passing out the Varsity pin. At the end there were 3 awards given out. The coach said that this particular award was given to the student who came everyday, gave it his all, and tried his hardest. Cody received the Coach's Choice Award, but would not open it until we were back at home and he could see it with his dad!
Why did Tom miss Cody's banquet? He was in the middle of his radiation treatment. He was able to have his radiation at the U of M Radiation campus in Grand Rapids. He thought it was not going to be that bad....I was not holding my breath. Nothing has been easy in the last 5+ years and I did not think this would be any different. Tom was put on a steroid prescription that really made him swell. It is believed that this also cause him to develop a rash primarily on his stomach and back. However, none of the doctors confirmed this. After Tom had 5 of his 10 treatments the abdominal pain hit in full force. My poor husband became very fatigued, had no appetite, and dealt with many classic symptoms due to the treatment. The last 3 treatments were hard for him to force himself to go. He is just now starting to be on the mend and I am glad to see that each day he is feeling a little more like his old self again.
So I am finally getting to the question of the day...."How was the doctors visit?" Here is what we discussed. We went over the CT/MRI results from Tom's February scans. We verified that there are areas where the cancer continues to grow, but not at alarming rates. There are also newer areas noted since his November scans such as this one noted as being suspicious of lymph node metastases. I questioned a statement that noted the liver had 25 low-attenuation and high-attenuation lesions scattered throughout the liver. Dr. Worden did not seem overly concerned about this wording as he read it with me. Tom and Dr. Worden discussed starting the chemo treatment today vs. waiting 3 months and seeing what the next scans will show. In all Tom has decided to wait until the next scan to once again decide if going on the chemo is the best plan. Dr. Worden went on to say as we all know, there is not a cure for this cancer. The only hope is that we can slow it down. Starting the chemo regimen today, 3 month, or a year from now will not delay the inevitable. We need to look at and focus on Tom's quality of life.
Tom and I have known that this cancer is not curable, stoppable, nor that this is a magical solution. Reality bites a little to hear this confirmed once again. However, we keep our heads up and our eyes forward to the gift of tomorrow. Thank you to all who have walked with us during this time & who have so generously given to our family. We have been overwhelmed by so many gifts. Mr E has given us yummy treats, fun games, and wonderful family time activities. I believe that Mr E has become a community by itself. During this time we will concentrate on the positive, laugh while we can, and create some memories that we can cherish all of our days. This weekend is Easter and I will focus on giving thanks that even after this life we can have a much better and forever Quality of Life!
Luke 24:46 "Yes, it was written long ago that the Messiah must suffer and die and rise again from the dead on the third day; and that this message of salvation should be taken from Jerusalem to all the nations: There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me."
Val, I hope you and Tom know just how much I pray for you and your family. You have been such an inspiration to me. I thank you for all you have taught me about life, cancer, survival and continuing to move froward. I hope my marriage to Eric is as strong and special as what you too share. Thank you for allowing Sammy to be a part of your life and sharing this personal story with others.
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