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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tumor Board Treatment Plan

Today is a beautiful sunny fall day! I see the fall colors starting to blend and it makes me appreciate this time of year. Today Kyle is getting his Senior Pictures taken and I can hardly believe that our little family is at this stepping stone already. Tom is going to attempt to play air soft next month with Kyle at a cancer fundraiser in Kalamazoo. They are both getting pumped up about it. Cody has been busy with the varsity football team. They printed his name as Cole so Tom and I are having a little fun with that. Katie has been enjoying her sideline cheerleading on Wednesday night as she looks so grown up out in the stadium.

Tom received a call from Dr. Worden's office with their decision of treatment from the Tumor Board this week. He will receive Radiation on the C-6, C-7 area of his neck. Tom has chosen to have his radiation here in GR and has a consultation with Dr. Buth on October 11. Tom will also start infusions once a month with a bone strengthening drug called Zometa which has many of the same side effects that he experienced with chemo. He is not looking forward to this as he has enjoyed tasting food once again. Tom and I will head back to U of M on November 21 & 22 for Tom's scans/blood work and results.

Tom has also asked to have an Oncologist here in GR that could follow Dr. Worden's direction for treatment while staying closer to home. Tom is discussing all these steps with his Case Manager at our insurance company to make sure we do not have any surprises.

Going back a couple of weeks ago when Tom received the CT scan results from his PCP that stated the cancer continues to have "interval growth" I asked him how he felt about getting the call. I said I know that this is not surprising news, but how do you feel about it? He replied that he has confidence in the Tumor Board and Dr. Worden's team. He stays very positive. I hope that is not all for the families sake. I truly believe that one's outlook helps to determine the outcome. I know that these last 5 years have changed us in more ways than can be relayed in these monthly updates.

Thanks to my prayer warriors who continue to check in with us and keep the us on their daily lists. Tom and I could not make it through all of this and continue to press on without all the support we've received. I have also learned to be a better prayer warrior myself for others who share life's trials with me. 1 Peter 3:8 "You should be like on e big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds."


Anonymous said...

praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

From the UK patients wife. We hope that you are both doing ok. We have been worried about you both.we send you our best wishes and hope you are doing ok

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