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Monday, July 30, 2012

Plan B/The end of XL-184

On Sunday Tom and I headed back to West Bloomfield for his intensive MRI scan. It was another pretty drive and the traffic was not too heavy for a Sunday. The MRI took about an hour. During the last scan Tom could not hold in his cough and they had to repeat the 5 minute scan. I feel so bad with Tom's neck surgery, he has a hard time with speaking, swallowing, no coughing ordeals.

Today Tom received a phone call from Dr. Ali stating that the MRI scans showed the cancer has metastasized to the C6-C7 vertebrae. Tom is off the drug and will need to go back in August to exit the study. Dr. Ali did say that he would like to go before the board and to confirm that he will be removed from the trial. He did talk about putting Tom on the Vandetanib or another drug that can be prescribed to MTC patients.

Tom is probably going to take another approach; he is planning to call his primary doctor and get a referral back to Dr. Worden at the U of M. After a couple visits to Ann Arbor he can possibly move his care to one of Dr. Worden's colleagues in Grand Rapids. We have talked about this option since our January visit with Dr. Worden; a Plan B of sorts.

While the XL-184 was not perfect, it did give us two more years together. I am asking my prayer warriors to please keep us in mind. Tom does very well in these circumstances, and I just tend to fret and become the grumpy caretaker (as he calls me). We need a clear plan as to Tom' treatment and hope that he will have a better quality of life.

1 Peter 4:12 "Dear friends, don't be bewildered or surprised when you go through the fiery trials ahead, for this is not strange, unusual thing that is going to happen to you."


Anonymous said...

Hi we just wish to send you every good wish from the UK. Your blog gives us the strength to live normal lives between our 3 monthly Oncologist appointments. We think about you both at regular intervals. You are an inspiration to fellow patients and their families.

With Kind regards Cathy

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