Tom had gone off the XL-184 for Christmas and his trip with the boys to Vegas. He had a great time and gained 10 pounds. He came back was able to start back up on the treatment. The chemo effects are starting to return, but he has kept a good attitude during all of this.
Today Tom and I went to the U of M to get Dr. Worden's opinion about staying on the trial or switching to the newly FDA approved drug for MTC. Dr. Worden went over his symptoms and reasons to switch. He is not privy to the trial Tom is currently on, but has patience who failed so he has some knowledge of the trial. He suggested that Tom stay on his current treatment. He said that Tom should be taking this drug while he can take advantage of it's benefits. The drugs are similar, but not exactly. He advised Tom to stay on this until the results do not benefit him. Basically if it's working don't mess with it.
When we left the Cancer Center Tom looked at me and said, "Do you think this was a wasted trip?" I do not ever think getting information and a professional opinion about cancer treatment can be a waste of time. I am grateful that we have a doctor we feel will give us solid facts and a valued opinion. It was a nice trip (sunshine and dry roads) to spend with my man. We had a good day together and I appreciate his positive attitude.
Kids are all doing well. I had Parent Teacher Conferences with the boys teachers and it was all pretty positive. Cody is like his dad and likes to talk. Kyle is quiet like his mother. However all three kids got positive comments about their work habits and how they respect their teachers. Cody had his last Conference Wrestling meet tonight. Though his record will not give him bragging rights, I am proud of his efforts. It's hard to start this sport as late as he did. He has made much improvement and he is a Freshman going up against a lot of Jr. and Sr. high boys. I hope he continues it through his High School years and I'm told it will help him for Football.
We have a busy week ahead. Saturday Cody has a individual wrestling meet and then Tom and Katie will have their last Daddy/Daughter dance (on her 12th b-day). Sunday Tom and I head to West Bloomfield for one on Tom's scans. Then Tom will go back on Tuesday for scans and the results on Wednesday. Life does not slow down for a moment!
Thanks prayer warriors for your continued prayers. What would we do without your support? I am glad that we were given clear advice to make a good decision. I am grateful that Tom is here with me another year :) I hope that Tom can remain positive and fight this nasty disease for years to come!
I have just read through the whole of your blog since 2007. My husband was diagnosed in 2009, many of your experiences are similar to ours.. As we are in the UK we don't have the same Insurance Co problems. My husband is due for his next Oncologist appointment in March. He had his serum calcitonin blood test done today and we now sit and wait for two weeks for the results. An anxious time. His levels have risen over the last two and a half years, but they haven't doubled. We remain hopeful. It is comforting to know that there is now the opportunity to try XL184 or Vantananib. with every good wish for your future..
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