Fall is here! It is Tommy's favorite time of the year. He is enjoying watching his youngest boy playing Football and trying to make it to his daughter's basketball games. While Tom is unable to eat, he still joins us at dinner time. It has been nice to have laughter at our dinner table again on the few nights the family can actually sit together. It's memories I hope we can all cherish for years. I am so grateful for the times we have.
This trip Tom had company. Thank you to his friend Chris who took the time to take Tom to Detroit and did not get him lost! :) The boys had a few hours to kill so they found their way over to Trader Joe's in Grosse Pointe. My wine rack is now stocked for the holidays.
Dr. Ali. was pleased with the way Tom's body is handling the chemo. His platelet's were low and they once again wanted to take him off the Maxide, but we've been there with the face swelling and the difficulty breathing so Tom convinced them to keep him on. He was having some cramping in his legs and was told that this is a side effect of having low potassium. It was decided to keep everything the same for Tom. If things do not improve by his next visit in November, Tom may be put on yet another medication.
Psalms 126:4 "May we be refreshed as by streams in the desert"
I actually have a book titled that and it has helped me through some tough times. Thanks again to my friend who gave it to me and to others that hold our family in their prayers. Life is tough...pray hard!
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