Today Tom made the journey over to Detroit through icy roads, past jack knifed semi's and highway closures to the Karmanos Cancer Institute. A big thanks to my brother-in-law Dale for taking my hubby to Detroit & back safely. Tom was given a tour of the facility and spent a couple of hours talking with doctors about his case. For the first time in over a year we have a game plan. We have decided to move all of Tom's care to this center. Tom has qualified for a Phase II Clinical Trial with the drug adriamycin
They have ordered another CT scan. If the second CT confirms cancer in the liver, then we now have options and treatment plans. This could include biopsy, surgery, chemo, and other forms of treatment only offered at the Karmanos Center.
Tom had another blood draw before he left the center today. He will have the CT here in Grand Rapids. This will be the last procedure performed outside of the cancer center. Tom's next appointment is Friday, March 5 @ 11:00 am where he will meet with Dr. Sukari, Head & Neck Oncology, Assistant Professor Wayne State University.
We know that this is still an uphill battle. With Tom's treatments moving to Detroit, I must deal with the fact that I will no longer be able to be by his side for every appointment as I have done in the past. However, I know it's worth it because Tom has a team of physician that have given us options and most importantly hope.
Hello Andrews Family! We're thinking of you here at the sleep lab. Thanks for keeping us updated via this blog ~ prayers are being lifted up for you.
Amanda HH
P.S. Valerie --- just read your profile --- I simply ADORE the Mark of the Lion series . . . it completely rejuvenated the way I read the New Testament :) AHH
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