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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cancer Sucks

We met with the Oncologist at the U of M. We went over the results of the CT scan. He confirmed our fears that they found 3 lesions in the liver. The biggest measured 11mm. There is also a lesion on Tom's spine that was not measurable. At this point they can't do Chemotherapy, Radiation, or Surgery. We have the advantage that this cancer is not aggressive. However the calcitonin levels are climbing at an alarming rate. His recommendation is that we now go to the Karmanos Cancer Center in Detroit. He said that they have a clinical trial with a new drug that might slow down the spread of Tom's cancer. We talked quite a bit about "quality of life" and focusing on family. We discussed how there is no cure and really no treatment to stop the spread of this type of cancer. The plan is to focus on slowing down the rate to which the cancer is spreading instead of trying to eliminate it. We are not sure how often Tom will have to be in Detroit or how severe the side effect of these drugs will be on him. Tom will be calling this center to make an appointment and talk with the doctors to see if he qualifies to participate in a study. The pharmacy within our house continues to grow as the doctor has put Tom on yet another drug. Tom calls this one his happy pill. I expect him to be bouncing off the wall sometime soon.

Tom will not give up the fight but we have to face reality. The hardest road is yet ahead of us. We need to make several important decision in the next few weeks. Tom needs to make family time his top priority. As Tom keeps saying "Faith, Hope, Love".


lori said...

i cannot even try to imagine what you all are going through at this point in your lives, however i do know tht you are two of the most strongest and courageous people tht i have ever known, and "faith,hope,and love will get you through this somehow!
i have always knowm tht god will never give us anything that we cannot handle and i honestly believe that with all my heart.
i love you guys so much and i will always be here for you, stay strong and god will see you through... lori

Dad's Journey 2009-2010 said...

Our prayers are with you all! Please know that I am here for you and prayer changes things and never lose HOPE. Believe in miracles, God is the great physician!! I am sending you a huge HUG!! I admire your strength..
Talk soon..

Anonymous said...

Tom and Val,

We will continue to pray and hope for the best. Stay strong and love each other no matter what happens. You two have a love that can not be broken! You are a fighter Tom and I know you will not give up.....I don't expect you to give up...I expect you to do the right thing and seek God's love and faith to make the right decisions. Remember when you are confused, frustrated, or just not sure, seek God out and absorb his love and affection. Your family loves you and will always be there for you. Stay strong my friend and keep kicking!

Val, you do the same and stay strong but remember that you are only human and can only take so much. Rely on family, friends, and others you need to help you along the way. You are a beautiful person and God is using your gifts to help Tommy. Call if you ever need to talk or need something.

John Kramer and family