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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Moving to Ann Arbor

Not ready to put the house up for sale and move to Ann Arbor, but we will be moving Tom's health care to the U of M. Today we met with Dr. Worden. He is an Associate Professor in the Hematology/Oncology Department. We finally feel like we have an Oncologist on the same page with us. He was upfront and honest with the reality of Tom's disease. We discussed his approach to Tom's long term care which will include monthly visists to the U of M, increasing blood testing to every 30 days, and CT scans every other month. This plan is more aggressive than we had been doing for the past year. What really impressed us is his concern for Tom's current quality of life. He has ordered a full blood work up as he feels that Tom's current medications need to be adjusted. He has also put Tom on new medications (glad I got him the biggest pill box available) and ordered new/more physical therapy.

We talked about treatment plans once they are able to locate the cancer. He talked about an experimental chemo treatment being performed by a college at Wayne State University. He will also bring Tom's case up for review with the "Cancer Board" at the U of M where a group of Oncologist, Endocrinologist, and Radiologist will discuss the best approach to Toms care.

We feel that this is the right direction for us to take, as difficult as it may be. I will have to use my vacation time to accompany Tom on trips back and forth to Ann Arbor. We may have a struggle convincing the insurance company that we have a right to chose the doctor we want. This will more than likely mean more out of pocket expenses. We will continue through this hand in hand learning to lean on each other when times are difficult.

Psalms 18:30 "What a God he is! How perfect in every way! All his promises prove true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind him."


Dave said...


I bet you feel like a ton of bricks (or whatever) just fell off your shoulders! I hope your Ins Co will support this (necessary ) level of care.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Valerie..another job well done by your ability to put up with all of the BULLS***!!

Anonymous said...
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