We are 2 days away from Thanksgiving. I want to wish everyone a wonderful and safe day. We will not be traveling very far, and I'm thankful for that. The Tri-mester is winding down this week for our children. Our eldest has Exams, though he missed the first day of test as he was home sick. The kids are looking forward to the up coming holidays.
I wanted take a moment to say thanks to so many of you that were able to attend my surprise party. It was so great to see you all. I know that for some people it had been a number of years since we have seen each other. I told a few people that I believe I talked with everyone, but had a conversation with no one as it was a busy night trying to catch everyone. However, I was so glad that I got to see people who've touched my life. Looking back, it was a great time!
Last weekend we went to Ohio for the bashing of U of M. The Ohio group was not too hard on all of us Michigan travelers this year. Thanks to our Ohio friends for putting up with so much Blue in their home! I know we all had such a great time getting together. To end the 2009 year, Tom has been ramping up his schedule again. I'm not sure how he does it, but he says that he is ready and able for this grueling schedule.
Before we left for Ohio last week we met with Dr. Collins, Endocrinologist. She was very interested in Tom's history and had us tell her (in our words) what has been going on since 2007. It was amazing to hear that she studied under Dr. Teknos and Dr. Worden at the U of M before graduated in the summer of 2007. What a small world. We ended the consultation with reassurance that we are doing the right thing by going to see Dr. Worden at the U of M. She also said that Tom was a more complicated case than she had first thought. She wanted to do some research and gather more of his results from past test before she could see where (if at all) she could assist Tom. We have an appointment to see her in January of 2010. This past week I've made phone calls to make sure that the doctor has all the papers and the test results and/or which ones we will need to bring . There is so much paperwork to see another doctor, it's like starting again from the beginning of a book, except that the book is 2 years old and more chapters are added.
Meeting with these doctors has once again reminded me of how fragile life truly is. Our family has the gift of time; not only to make good memories for the kids, but also to be able to practise living in love. Each mile marker that happens; birthdays, holidays, etc. I thank God that Tom is here to be a part of. Love is our greatest guide.
"Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love makes up for many of your faults." 1 Peter 4:8
Hello! This is Denise from Tom's work.I am wondering of you would consider taking Laetrile, in the form of apricot pits. I have a family hx of breast ca- in mom and her sister, and I have Barrett's esophagitis- pre ca cells, with severe GERD reflux. So, I have several pounds of apricot pits here- taking 7 per day as a ca preventative. I read that Laetrile was so effective at fighting ca that the FDA made it illegal in the US. You will hear negative reports about it, as there are cures that big pharma does not want us to know about. May I send you a couple pounds of these pits? Look like almonds, but quite bitter. May God continue to bless you and you family. "St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and by the power of the Heavenly Host cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
Genesis 1:29 "fruit of tree yielding seed- to you it shall be for meat"
Leviticus 27:30 "Fruit of the tree is Holy unto the Lord"
Luke 8:11 "the seed is the word of God"
These verses tell us that God put something very special for us into the seeds, and we should not ignore any if His gifts.
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