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Monday, June 1, 2009

Moving up Test?

Today was as crazy as Monday's get. I started my new job and was called from school at noon due to a sick child. Grandma to the rescue to pick up a sick girl with an upset stomach! Poor Tom did not get much sleep after she got home. After Katie got settled the phone rang from the Oncologist office. Dr. Campbell is ordering a Head to Toe PET Scan. Of course we know from experience that it will take a week to get the approval & then more time to schedule it. This time around we have 2 PET Scans in at the Lemmon Holton Center and the other at Saint Mary' it will be interesting how far out his date will be for Tom to endure 2 step (including the 4 hour) process. The Oncologist office gave us the option to talk with Dr. Campbell or U of M about the results. Tom is sticking with the GR team.

Tom, once again is not getting caught up in the numbers. I am staying focused on our daily lives and we will continue to play the waiting game. I have to selfishly say that I am glad that these results were after our wonderful 20th getaway. However, we will as we always have, deal the what we are given.

Romans 8:18 Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will give us later.


s65jet said...

Had a great weekend with you guys. Keep us updated on the "head to toe" scan. I'm still following your blog even though I don't post a comment every time. Do you like chicken? All these thoughts going through my brain and I only type every fifth one. Sound like a scatter brain? Thanks for keeping us in on the loop and we all hope for some good news.

Cathy said...

Thanks for the info Valerie and the readings that help me so much.
I refer to them often. We are praying the rosary weekly for Tommy. Anyone who wishes to join in prayer we start on Monday nights around 8! God Bless You and your 'prayer warriors!'