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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Start of School

I know that it has been a while since I blogged. Not much to say about Tom's results. We have two more days to wait to hopefully get more answers than questions this consult. The kids had their first day of school and did pretty well other than Kyle forgetting his lunch. They think it's funny that before school starts and during the first few days, the teachers have the parents sign a mound of papers. I joke with them about getting homework first! Tom thinks this day should be considered a "Back to School Holiday"!

A friend of mine shared a story last week about a friend/coworker who's husband had been given months to live from a type of cancer and now the cancer is in remission (among others that I've heard in the past year). It is good to know there are so many success stories and it keeps our hope alive. I was given a book called "The Anatomy of Hope" by a friend at church. It really does play a part in any long term disease. Thank you to so many that have given us words of hope during our idle days.

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