May is always a busy time of the year. Each school has their "field trip" and many other activities. The kids enjoy being outside, the sun is up longer, and as schools are winding down with their themes/projects; it's hard to get the homework done at night. Thank goodness we can actually count down the days to help them focus on the few homework days we have left. I have to remember not to "whine" when they have homework and try to be a good example. Many people laughed last year when I stated, "I've passed 1st grade for the fourth time!" However, I can gladly say that all my kids really pushed themselves this year and they were able to do many things on their own.
Speaking of school, Tom has had two classes under his belt this semester. His class will be done the end of June, then he will be taking 2 classes next fall. It really is amazing to see his motivation. Tom is doing well with all that he has going on. I know that I could not stand in his shoes and keep up at his pace. Next Thursday, we see Dr. Campbell. He will be consulting us on the next step of Tom's progress. We will be discussing Somnostatin Therapy, per request of Dr. Teknos. I am preparing to take a lot of notes because I'm sure this will be another involved process. We also received the bill for Tom's gallbladder surgery. We are definitely over the $200,000 mark within the last year. I am thankful that this is not out of pocket cost.
Tom and I have also reached another annual stone, another year of marriage. This is year 19 for us. At the hospital we had a technician laughing as we told him the secret of our "happy marriage": Whoever leaves, has to take the kids with them! So here we are together for another year and all the more grateful for each other.
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