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Friday, July 13, 2007


We received news on July 12 that Tom has been positively diagnosed with a "Neuro-endocrine" tumor. What does this mean? The tumor found in his neck is not the place of origin, his cancer started somewhere else. Where? That is what they have to find out through the CAT scan (this will tell them where the cancer originated). The CAT scan is set up to look at the Thyroid, Stomach, bowels, and Liver. The PET scan (this will tell them the cancer acitivty). This will tell them how aggressive the cancer is. We are greatful the Tom's dr. requested a second opion with the Oncology specialist. Once we have the test results we will know better the plan of attack. At the Cancer center we were asked if we had more questions. Shock was our only reply. Once on the road, and things sank in, questions started popping in my head (though many of these will not be answered during a consultation). We are going to learn much more than we never wanted to know about cancer during this process, I am sure. I have set this Blog up so that we can give many people Tom's progress at everyone's convienence. I will try to update as we go so that people can know what going on (and what to pray for) as we progress. Thanks for all your support!


Anonymous said...

We are all there for you, whatever we can do, even though we are far away. We have you all in our prayers.

John Kramer said...

Tom and Family,

Best of luck and we wish you nothing but the best. You have astrong family and we will keep you in our prayers. Call if you need anything.

John and Karen

gomsu said...

Tom - My prayers to you and your family. Know that laughter is sometimes the best medicine we can take and you must keep your sense of humor. Have a great vacation - where and I will check this site often. It sounds like you have the best doctors possible. We are all thinking about you at work. my best - Linda T my home email is (of course)