Can you say Spring? Not yet! However, we are getting a little warmer each week. Hopefully by the end of this week we will be able to see over the piles of snow at the intersections. We have finally slowed down in the Andrews' household at least in some respects. Cody will have his wrestling banquet this week and that will end his sporting events for his Junior year. Cody & Tom also went on the annual Salem Rabbit Hunt. With the snow so deep they did not kick up anything & it was a challenge to walk though the fields that they hunt. Autumn (a hunting dog) was not able to kick up any either. It was a tough day. Though they were not successful I know that Tom was glad to have this opportunity to spend with Cody. Kyle is getting ready and saving up for his next semester. I can't believe he is finishing up his first year of college. Where has the time gone? He stays busy with working & school these days. Katie just recently had her birthday & while we attended a Grand Rapids Griffins Hockey game, which was so fun, she saw an ad for Skillet. She made the comment "I'd like go see them" I told Tom and a week later we went, what a riot! Katie, her friend Sam & myself had a fun night. This old lady still loves to rock :)
Tom in the meantime spends most of his day trying to ease the pain caused by his cancer. The tumor in this neck is causing him discomfort, but this seems to be the least of this list of issues. He had a needle biopsy that confirmed the cancer around his carotid artery and gland is Medullary Thyroid Cancer, which is reported as a good thing. He is able to do his 10 rounds of radiation here at the U of M Cancer treatment in Grand Rapids. Tom has a face mask along with a mouth guard that is hard for him to wear during the 15 minute treatment. The doctor is also concerned about further damaging his salivary glands. His stomach gurgling has not yet been mastered by the prescriptions he has been put on. However, he is eating better than he has in a year & he has gained 10 pounds since his last visit. Tom will head back to the U of M in June for scans & doctors appointment. At this time we will again discuss whether it would be beneficial for Tom to go onto Chemo.
This weekend we are having our 5th Annual Cancer Sucks Euchre tournament. Typically we use this as a fund raiser for our Relay team. This year our team told us that the money is being raised to help our family with expenses. It is very strange not to be organizing this event and to hand over our stuff to others to put it on. I know that the team will do a wonderful job. I am grateful to our framily (friends like family) who are putting this together. I am excited to be able to participate this year. Watch out players I hold the title of Euchre Queen and hope to be a contender!
Seriously I would like to share that these days have not always been easy. I look back at how our lives have changed and how it affects the kids in what they do & what we do as a family. We spend time watching movies & doing low key events as Tom does not have the energy to go at a fast pace. I worry about how we are all handling this disease emotionally & spiritually. Mostly I wonder about when we look back at these days how we've conducted ourselves. Are we doing what we are meant to? It's kind of like what I have told the kids at different times in their lives. Your brother/sister can upset you & you can't always do something about it, but you can choose how you are going to handle it. I know that I took for granted our family, health, & so much in life...yes I complained about the little things like we all do. Now I look back at the last 6 years and see how I've handled things differently with a changed view. I sometimes miss those carefree days & know that we can't go back to them. It's not that I am complaining about today because I cherish them more than I did when we were healthy. I make the best of each day & choose to be grateful for my family right here & now. I hope that you also decide to be peaceful in the situation you find yourself in....either way it's your choice.
Ephesians 4:23 "Now your attitude and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better."